senorpoop: I’m just sitting over here thinking about what a pain in the ass setting up camp must be.
Drop cargo trailer.
Drop fifth wheel.
Drop fifth wheel dolly.
Unload boat trailer.
Hook up fifth wheel to truck.
Back fifth wheel into spot.
Store dolly.
Retrieve cargo trailer and park at site.
Retrieve boat trailer and park at site.
That’s all assuming you have the space for all of this stuff at the site and the RV park allows it. Also not including leveling/hooking up/setting up the slide outs and awning.
titusmaul: This is insanity.
pariah1984: Interesting little contraption to allow one to bumper pull a fifth wheel.
Can’t fathom how this rig would be legal!
thupertheriousth: Props to the guy that did the fab work. Not sure about legality, I think 65’ is the norm. I was at 62’ with a f250 crew can long bed, 30’ bumper pull and a seadoo trailer, this is certainly longer. Safety, not only the drivers, but those drivers around him, especially in a crosswind, and being able to ingress/egress literally anywhere but a straight line, would be my concerns. Seems impractical.
InfiniteBarnacle9: I’ve seen similar road train configs before (never a boat on top though) and my gut always says … “What happens to those pivot points under heavy/emergency braking?!?” Is this all a function of having electronic brakes and a really good brake controller?
PicnicLife: I just wanna know what’s in the trailer. A toad or gear?
ksavage68: Might as well buy a Lakeshore ranch and be on vacation all the time. Less labor that way.