First ever Airstream Rally “Down Under”
Somewhere in-between breaking down in the Northern Territory and launching Happy Camper Pizza, we managed to take part in a historical event – Australia’s first ever Airstream Rally.
Officially, it was the inaugural rally of the Wally Byam Caravan Club International (WBCCI) “Down Under” Unit – an Aussie arm of the Airstream club started in 1955. Thanks to Ruby Mason from Airstream Australia and Simon Matthee from Small Giants for setting up the “Down Under” Unit.
That’s Ruby wearing Wally Byam’s famous globe-trotting hat.
Even though Airstreams are so loved around the globe, there still aren’t that many here in Australia. Plus we’re a HUGE country, so our first rally was very small.
This is Peggy Sue, a 1966 Trade-Wind owned by Jessie and Scott from Airstream Dreams.
She became the “hub” for the all the kids. There were six, four and under. Stealing the show was Georgie and Robbie’s 1946 Curtiss Wright Clipper, Abeona (meaning Goddess of Journeys), home to their mobile production studio, Silver Pod Productions.
The 22-foot trailer is a collaboration between Wally Byam and Curtis Wright based on Wally’s pre-war Airstream Clipper. (You can read a previous post about her here) Towing her was a faithful purple Volkswagen named Aurora who I hold fully responsible for my newfound Kombi obsession.
As our Airstream Wallabee is off the road, we brought along Allegra, a 1965 Caravel which has been converted into our Happy Camper Pizza food van. (You haven’t lived until you’ve tasted “Adventure Before Dementia” – our French-inspired pizza of caramelised onions, creme fraiche and lardons.)
No Airstream rally would be complete without the National Flag and a pink flamingo – which is how the whole pink flamingo craze began.
Of course my kids wouldn’t leave the flamingo alone and kept pulling its head off!
But when you’ve got 500 metres of absolute beachfront to play with at the Tathra Beach Family Park, flamingo and even Kombi obsessions are easy to forget.