Is it better to have it cranked to max or have it set at medium fan and not fully cold? Hot one this weekend. We have short power. Heading to the beach for a few hours.

When we woke up we gave the AC a break from overnight running and turned it off. I want to keep it somewhat cool because in just a couple hours it was back over 80 in the camper. We will likely bring our dog back for a cool rest in her kennel and will have it on then. I just thought it would be better to keep it running so it doesn’t have to cool down so much later. Wife is worrried we’d burn out AC if it ran all day.

Is it a problem to run it all day and night in hot weather (90F and humid)? Is it better to run it full or turned down a little like the photo?


I have it around 1/2 way and on low fan speed.


It’s fine to leave it running. If it’s very humid and you have such a massive temperature differential that it runs non-stop; sometimes you can have issues with freezing up. If you do run into those issues; you don’t have to turn it off necessarily (though you might to initially defrost); you just need to turn the temperature up a bit. RV’s are pretty poorly insulted so often a good figure to shoot for is around 15 degrees below the outside temp; but expiriment. YMMV and your A/C may perform differently than someone else.


Once cool, set low fan, set thermostat at comfortable level.


We usually run ours on the lowest AC setting and the temperature about where the photo in the post shows. It will make our rig too cold if we run it higher than that.


We start ours up once the temp is getting warm out and leave it running all day, sometimes the entire day off the generator if we’re boondocking. We find that if we turn it off to go out its nearly impossible to bring the heat back down later. Bear in mind we’re using undersizd units only 13k btu when it should be about 20k btu.


Kinda cold during the day, ass-cold at night.


It is better to have it run continuously than turn on and off repeatedly. Less wear on the start capacitors. I usually leave mine at 74

Source: What do you set AC at for long durations?

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