We’ll be hitting the road this afternoon, headed south from Salt Lake City’s cold temps and meandering towards warmer weather – First we have to pick up Bo from the dog sitters and introduce him to our new permanent RV! https://rvlifestyle.com/rvx-wrap-up-and-some-news-about-us/
RVX Wrap-Up and some news about us – RV Lifestyle
The big RVX industry show in Salt Lake City has ended, with the attendees all geeked u and ready to get the 2019 Camping Season Underway. Here’s a replay – The RV lifestyle
- Come back to Florida ☀️-Dawn&Kevin ????????????????????????????
- Congratulations for your new RV !
- Happy Camping ⛺️
- I had so much going on yesterday I had to miss the live show. But I am so excited I got to see the replay. Congratulations on your coach. I am excited because you have viewed and purchased one of the ones I am interested. You have answered and tackled issues I was wondering about. Once again Congratulations ????????????????! And thank you for sharing.