Looking into getting a Weight Distribution Hitch for my 2021 F250 and my Grand Design Transcend 321BH. When connected as seen in this picture its squats the rear about 3 1/2”.
Every WDH system I’ve found so far is for a 2” receiver, and I’d really rather not use an adapter (F250 has a 2 1/2” receiver).
What’s everyone’s advice?


Damn that’s a long trailer


Equalizer sells a 2.5” shank to use with their equalizer hitch. The equalizer is kinda the bread and butter hitch. Not too cheap not too expensive. 

If you don’t want to use the adapter that’s the route I would go 


Got a similar Grand Design camper and a silverado 2500. I use an Anderson Weight Distribution but paid extra and got their 2.5″ receiver in a 6″ drop separately after same issue with steel sleeve not feeling safe. No issues since.


I just put a WeighSafe True Tow setup with my Sierra 2500 and trailer. I picked the 2.5” shank option for it. So much of a difference between that and using the previous WDH with a 2” shank and the sleeve.


I run a 2019 f250 crewcab (6.7) and roughly the same length trailer (37′) with the equalizer weight distribution hitch and reduce it. I had the trailer and hitch prior to the 2019 f250. I’m not sure what it is called but I have a bracket I tighten up around it all and it’s solid, no noise/no play, nothing. Been running this setup since purchasing the truck 2 years ago.



Blue ox sway pro has several models that come with a 2.5″ shank such as bxw1508. Or you can buy the 2.5″ shank and use it instead of the shank that comes with other models.


Any reason why you don’t want to use the sleeve to get down to a 2”?

Source: Weight distribution hitch for F250

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