My advice: make this an outline and be flexible. If a place is fun, stay an extra day, if weather is bad, skip a destination. You’ll have a lot more fun with the freedom of flexibility.

My other advice; it’s out of the way but don’t miss the Grand Canyon. No picture does it a fraction of justice.


Your going right past Moab you shouldn’t miss it


That’s alot of time spent in Texas


I’m really kind of torn on this.

The really, really practical side of me is like “That is a lot of distance – like, 200 miles average per day, and since you can only really go 400-600 miles a day in an RV comfortably, that’s going to mean not very many stop and smell the roses days.”

And the other half of me is like “Guys, this is gonna be an awesome roadtrip!!!”

If you team drive, just remember: NEVER EVER let anyone ride in the above-cab bed while you’re driving. If one of them falls on the driver…


If you’re going to go to more than two national parks, buy the annual pass at the first one you go to. It will get you in to all the other national parks (and some other stuff) for a year so you won’t have to pay the entrance fee at each. After two of them, it will save you money.


Man . That’s going to be fun


Check out Harvest Hosts. We pay for the combined HH/Boondockers Welcome and enjoy the hosts a lot. Night before last, we slept at Equal Parts Brewery in Houston, today we woke up at a nice families property in Sweeney. *

Source: We are five Irish lads road tripping US this month. Is this route realistic for 27 days in our rented 30ft RV?

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