Looks like you’ve still got a couple months left on the old one /s
Hate to say it, but I never change that anode rod. Last RV I used to 12 years and never changed it, and I have 5 years on this RV. Guess I should go look at it. I figured they were good for at least 10 years.
How difficult was it to get to?
Any trouble getting it out?
Are these a standard size?
Wait… I do not have one of these. I have a plastic plug.
It’s a Prime Time Air with an Atwood water heater (6gal)
That’s what it usually looks like after 1 year. Change them every year folks.
Note: I just finished a call for service and their 2.5 year old 10 gallon water heater tank was leaking….because they had never changed the anode. Cost them near $1500 out of pocket because they had no idea it was a yearly maintenance item.
Soooo what is this..? Lol I’m new. Just got a TT. Trying to keep up to date on things I gotta Maintenance. This is for the water heater, right? would i still have one of these if mines tankless?
Source: This is what it looks like when you don’t change your anode for 2 years.