I have this on the front of my travel trailer and I was wondering how it worked exactly ? Do I just plug in some panels that have a certain rating and it will charge my batteries ? How does this factor in if I had constant rv power ? What size solar panel would I need ? Thank you for your help.


You will need a panel and a charge controller. You can buy panels with one built in. Mptt is best. You will need a special furrion adapter as well


If you want to add solar to your rig ignore this and actually wire in a solar system. This is useful only for a couple portable panels which aren’t all that effective.

As for this plug it’s self explanatory. You can open the lid and see the connector, and behind that you can see the two wires that go to your battery.


I have one of these panels

Renogy 100 Watt Eclipse… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NADR1CI?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

You’ll need an adapter, I used these 2

LiteBee 2 Pin 10 AWG Furion Solar… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08D6NGZ5Y?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Solar Panel Connectors 10AWG… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MW1M1VB?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

With this I am able to go a long weekend fine. I use limited power (lights, v water pump, gas water heater) and have 2x group 24 batteries.




You should be able to just connect a 100 W panel to this, but the lable in itself doesn’t mean much in itself. What voltage can it digest? Do you have any documentation?


My trailer also has this. I bought a 100w panel and a 20 amp charge controller. I bought the furrion plug on Amazon and wired it to the controller and mounted the controller on the back of the panel. I also bought about 6 feet of wire so I have a bit of room to move it. There are lots of ways to make a kickstand for it to angle it at the sun better. I use it on sunny days to help offset my 12v fridge. Hot part of the day I can get 7 amps from the panel, which is about all my fridge takes each hour. When I’m done I just unplug and store. Panel was $70, charge controller $20 and wire was about $25 with plug. Cheap way to help extend my battery by a few hours each day

Source: Rv solar hook up

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