Our home building journey has finally concluded and we’re ready to sell our previous home of the past 3 years, a 2020 25ft Jayco trailer.

Puppies and our baby girl did a little more than your average wear and tear in that time and we need to do some repairs before we can try selling it, most notably are replacing 4 entire insect screen for windows (need new frame and mesh) and replacing the screen on the door. I figure the door will be simple enough but have no idea where to start on replacement screens + frames for the windows. I spent about 30 minutes searching before I finally gave up and figured I’d just ask the question here. Any help is appreciated!


Call a Jayco dealer with your vin. Year and model. They will be able to look up and order the original screens in the frame for your windows. You just pop em back in.
The screen on the door you can replace by buying some screen at your Lowe’s or Home Depot and getting the installation wheel tool. Fairly easy DIY there. Hope this helps.


You don’t need to order replaced screens from Jayco if the screens are held in place with a rubber gasket thing. You just need a spline tool and a roll of screen. Both are cheap and can be found at local hardware stores.

*That is of the frame is not damaged for the window screen.
I have a toddler in my Jayco and they have pulled the screens out and ripped them more times than I can count.


Psst…your awning is rolled in backwards.

The window will have a tag on it with the information needed to replace the screen. Problem is that it’s usually on the side and you’d have to remove it.

Or you could take the dimensions of the window, and call Jayco and see if they can figure out which you need to buy…but that may be a longshot.

Source: Replacement insect screens?

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