How many of y'all run an older pickup as a tow rig?


Whenever I see one this old (squarebody), it’s always a welder, and the truck might be old and rusty, but they always have them hopped up and running perfectly.


Trucks are…funny. I’d say my truck is old, but it doesn’t seem all that old. It’s a 2005 Dodge. Not as old as the picture, but it’s still 19 years old…which for anything other than a house is probably considered old.


I’ve been using a 2005 F350 King Ranch 6.0 CC LB 4×4 to pull my various 5’ers ever since I bought it in 2008.
Currently pulling a 2016 Grand Design Solitude ST348GK.
The engine was rebuilt 4 years ago by Powerstroke Specialties in Buford Georgia. It was stolen from me 3 yrs ago. The a-hole that stole it completely trashed the interior but, to his credit, didn’t put one dent in the body.
When it was recovered, the entire interior, except the dash and door panels, was replaced. The entire truck was sanded and painted. Windshield and rear glass replaced. Firestone air bags on the rear axle. 60 gal aux tank in the bed that doesn’t come above the bed rails. Bodiak brand hitch on the front, and a 24k hitch in the bed. 233k miles.

Love it.


1st gen doing 1st gen things.

I tow a 30′ Toy Hauler with mine.


I had a 1984 Pontiac with a 455 cu in it. I bet it would have no problem towing that, and it got a whole 6 mpg on the car, so maybe 2 mpg???? Other than that, a beast of a motor, probably 400 hp and 450 lb torque.


Not tooo old but I got an 04 dodge here pulling a 40’ tri axle 5th wheel . I’m consistently one of the older trucks at the RV park.


I freaking love flat bad trucks!
2012 chevy 1500 aluminum flatbed
2003 chevy 3500 flat bed
2006 volvo vnl 780 singled and flat bed.

What year is your’s? Got air bags?

Source: Older pickups

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