oranggit: [Here you go](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-hoa4e/images/stencil/1280×1280/products/463/2713/CTTRAMPM36__07347.1472498720.jpg?c=2&imbypass=on)
MrRonObvious: Wood would be a better option, PVC will eventually crack, I would think.
drdonuts88: They make like light metal ladders for this exact purpose, usually with hooks on the end. Look on amazon or eBay . Slightly more than PVC, but it’s the right tool for the job.
BoilerRealm: I made one out of schedule 40 a few years back. It worked fine.
s_M_e: I would say wood or rope might be better options. PVC doesn’t hold up, and tends to snap into sharp bits when it fails, and tends to fail catastrophically when it does fail.
Wood might crack or split, but you are much more likely to have warning.
BrakeFastBurrito: If that wall is sturdy enough you could mount a couple climbing holds.
duffil: Use schedule 80 if you do. I might go for ABS though…how heavy are the kids?