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sidroinms: Great job! Got a ’68 pop up my wife found at a yard sale. $250 split 3 ways to go to races with. Only saw one older. Everything worked great inside but we never got it in good enough shape the wife’s would stay the night. Made about 10 races with it. You did good.

mtnsunlite206: That’s a good build, we’ll done! Probably the first time I ever made it through someone’s RV video. You went through it succinctly and didn’t ramble on. (Others could learn from that!).

Nice to see the function of the set up, simple and functional. Looks cute too! Have great travels!

BOGDOGMAX: good job!

Source: I completely tore down and rebuilt a 1988 Scamp Trailer from the bare shell to a full time off grid tiny home on wheels

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