The trailer is not anywhere near road worthy yet. It’s been sitting for a couple of years as a guest house more or less. Needs tires, a skylight a faucet and a full once over (including removing the awning brackets). The tow vehicle is a 2023 ford lightning and has a capacity of 10k lbs. Am I sagging too much in the front of trailer? Thank you!
You’re going to want a wdh with anti sway. The f150 requires weight distribution with a tongue weight over 500lb.
You do want the trailer either level or just slightly nose down for best handling performance. The truck looks pretty close to level even without a weight distributing hitch, I’m assuming this is a fairly light trailer?
The true test will be what the scales say. My f-150 was at capacity with a 5800 pound trailer, passengers, and cargo on board. All axles were within 40 pounds of their limit.
Looks… Reasonable.
Think you’ll take a big hit on range? Mine is around 3000lbs and I get about 65% of normal range.
Nothing in the bed…you travel light?
Source: How do the levels look