I bought a used class A and on the front, it looks like they applied an aftermarket coating of some sort. It has deteriorated, cracked and turned to a sticky gel that I CANNOT get off. I've tried everything, even got a stronger pressure washer, but when directed straight on to it, it slowly starts to peel off a surface membrane and then underneath it's the stickiest gel I've ever seen. We've soaked it with goof off. I've tried heating it with a hairdryer. Nothing is working. Any ideas? I know if I found just the right solvent for this, It would probably be a snap but I'm afraid of damaging the decal & paint. But if a 3200 psi pressure washer doesn't take it off. I don't know what else will.


That’s a chip guard, which is basically a giant clear sticker.

WD40 has some solvent properties and will not harm paint. Soak a rag or paper towel with it, slap it on, and let it sit. You might want to get the gallon sized can.

Aim for the heavily checked/cracked areas first. It won’t penetrate the decal, but it will eat away at the adhesive. You’ll also want a bunch of plastic razor blades, and possibly a hair drier to soften the material up.

It’s a super PITA to remove, so be ready.


Try steam from a garment steamer or better yet a commercial steam cleaner (not a carpet cleaner that people mistakenly call a steam cleaner) you will also need a plastic scraper




I’m going to recommend “LAs Totally Awesome.” It did a lot for me and it is cheap as dirt. Get a small bottle. If it doesn’t work then you will find another cleaning issue that it will, that much I feel certain about.


Elbow Grease


You might try 3M adhesive remover. I’ve found it to work in several cases where goof-off and WD40 did not.


Looks like old diamond shield. I honestly recommend going to a couple of body shops to see what they say. It can be done. If done correctly, the paint underneath will be nice. I don’t know the correct procedure. Maybe look up diamond coat removal.

Source: How do I get this crap off!

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