Thor Industries and KOA want to urge RVers to clean up America’s public lands—will you pitch in? Will a gasser get you by or do you really need a diesel engine in your new truck or motorhome? And whether your buying or selling an RV, Paige Bouma from RV Trader has all the tips, as well as some of her best RV travel advice on this episode of RV Miles.

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and Jason & Abby’s personal travel blog Our Wandering Family on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

Join the RV Miles Facebook Group here.

Click here to find the America’s National Parks Podcast.

And go here to join the America’s National Parks Facebook Group. 

Will hiking permits solve the dangers of overcrowding on popular steep trails? Here’s the article talking about what happened at Yosemite over the last decade.

To diesel, or not to diesel? That is the question on many new RVers’ minds. Here’s our breakdown of all the things to consider.

Our interview segment this week talked with Paige Bouma of RV Trader about their service, and some great RV purchasing tips. Check out whether you’re looking to buy or sell a new RV.

In Fresh Tank/Black Tank, we covered a new initiative from KOA and Thor to encourage RVers to “Pick Up America” by removing trash from public lands. Pledge to do your part at, and use the hashtag #PickUpAmerica to share your efforts on social media.

We also talked about the growing problem of grizzly/human interaction at Yellowstone. Read about that from Idaho Statesman.

Abby’s gear recommendation this week was for a slick wooden iPhone case called the “Nomad” from Keyway.

Check out the latest episode of the America’s National Parks Podcast, chronicling the return of the Cuyahoga River after it became so polluted that it lit on fire.

And purchase your own Not All Who Wander Are Lost or From Sea To Shining Sea gear in the RV Miles store.


L.L.Bean:This year, L.L.Bean is joining up with the National Park Foundation, the official nonprofit partner of the National Park Service, to help you find your happy place – in an amazing system of more than 400 national parks, including historic and cultural sites, monuments, preserves, lakeshores, and seashores that dot the American landscape, many of which you’ll find just a short trip from home. L.L.Bean is proud to be an official partner of the National Park Foundation. Discover your perfect day in a park at

FMCA: From Motorhomes, Travel Trailers, Fifth Wheels, bus conversions, and more, FMCA is here to enhance your RV Lifestyle. For as little as $5 a month, you can travel with peace of mind knowing FMCA has your back. Get connected with like-minded RVers on their Facebook page, Forums, at Conventions, and Events. Deals and discounts include RV insurance and Tire Savings Programs, and their Medical Emergency and Travel Assistance Program is included FREE. A yearly membership is only $60, but RV Miles listeners can save $10 with code RVMILES19. Just visit and enter code RVMILES19 or click the link in the show notes. of the easiest ways to keep costs down when adventuring is to pack your own food. Wander Bus doesn’t go everywhere with us, and it’s nice to have a cooler for meals on the go. Our 30QT Pelican Cooler is great to keep in the back of our van for when we’re out exploring a city or National Park. They can hold ice for 6, 7, or 9 days depending on the size, perfect for small RVs without a fridge – no more swampy coolers. Head over to and use promo code RVMILES at checkout to score a free tumbler with purchase.

The Togo App and Togo Roadlink:With the TOGO app, everything you need to own and operate your RV is in one convenient, digital space. You can set maintenance reminders, keep track of registration details, and build checklists. Their brand new, all-in-one internet connectivity kit Togo Roadlink™ is a complete connectivity solution that combines state-of-the-art hardware with new RV-specific data plans. The new Roadlink C2 is a powerful Wi-Fi booster combined with a 4G LTE antenna. Not only is Roadlink™ crafted with best-in-class hardware, but they’ve joined forces with AT&T to offer an unlimited 4G LTE data plan specifically for RVers. The details of the data plans and hardware can be found at

Source: Episode 93 | RV Trader’s Paige Bouma

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