Do you travel with a supply of freshwater and if so, why, or if not, why not? I have a family of six, consisting of two adults and four children under the age of 12. When camping near home, I fill up with freshwater at the campsite and dispose of any unused water before departing. However, for long-distance trips, I partially fill my tank at home, preferring my family to use the RV's
bathroom facilities rather than searching for rest stops or gas stations, especially considering my children's frequent need to use the bathroom.????
Safe Travels Everyone!


Truck camper here. I keep my tank full at all times, except when winterized. For me it’s an emergency water supply, not just a camper.


I boondock a lot so, yes my water tank is full plus today I am carrying 50 more gallons in the back of my truck


Usually just enough to wash my hands and use the toilet.


I travel with ~5gal and fill up at campground. I look ahead to make sure there is water, we’ve gone to some places that don’t have it so in that case I’ll fill up.

Also, dont travel with like half full. Either just have a tiny bit or full. The sloshing of like 15-20 gallons creates a ton of force. A full tank won’t slosh around. Plenty of stories of half full tanks creating weird handling situations or the straps holding the tank up breaking


I boondock most of the time. So I always have the freshwater full but I also have a 45’ 5th wheel and it can handle the 142 gallons full without issues.


I’ve driven many many miles with a full tank in my travel trailer over the past 10 years with no issues.


I just hope that is a dedicated fresh water hose and also not used for black tank flushing. Usually the bright orange is for non potable water as a visual aide.

But to answer the main post question – no. I’ve seen how some of these tanks are mounted and there is no way I’d add an extra 600 pounds and stress anything more than it is.

Source: Do you travel with fresh water??

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