Cell Phone/Internet Plans We Use as Canadian RV Snowbirds

February 7, 2019

I get a lot of emails from fellow Canucks asking how we stay connected on the road while traveling in the USA. Things like cell phone plans, internet access, and long distance calling/texting back to Canada. Also, how do Anne and I stay in touch when apart? So, I thought rather than answer it over and over I’d create a video to point them to for answers.

In this video, I go through the various cell plans and devices we use as Canadians snowbirding south for the winter months. This is the current state of things as of Feb 2019. As with most tech these days things are on a state of flux. This is one reason why we prefer to use (month to month) prepaid plans. The other reason is we spend only half the year in the US.

*The big news is Verizon has a new $65 Unlimited No Caps Data Plan for our Jetpack MiFi device. This means in most locations we have been able to stream video to our heart’s content!*

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Links to Plans Shown in the Video:

In this video, I go through the various cell plans and devices we use as Canadians snowbirding south - https://www.loveyourrv.com/cell-phone-internet-plans-we-use-as-canadian-rv-snowbirds/

Source: Cell Phone/Internet Plans We Use as Canadian RV Snowbirds

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