Far and away bigger than any super C I've seen by a long shot. This thing rattled my trailer as it rolled by. That trailer they're pulling is a triple axle. If I had to guess it's probably close to 75ft long. The spot it's in is about 100ft long.


land train


Where I come from, we call these a Toterhome.


That is awesome if I had to guess they are into some kind of motor sports


Is that even legal? 😳🤷‍♂️🤣


Would love to see it turn a few corners


That’s like my partner’s ideal set up.


So I talked to a race team driver about his similar rig. A standard tractor trailer has a bunch of DOT regulations attached, when you add either a toilet or a shower, I can’t remember which, it becomes an RV and most of the DOT regs go away. For example, a class C license is not required to drive an RV.

Source: Behold! The Behemoth C!

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