I applied some eternabond today to all my seams, one section came out pretty wrinkly. Will this be ok? What should I do? Thanks


I’d get a roller on that.


With the air in there it won’t sit flat. I’m not telling you what you should do but if it were me I would take a needle and poke a small hole in the bubble and use the roller to roll the tape flat from the edges of the bubble inward covering the hole last. Once it’s all down and you roller it down the adhesive should act like a self healing material around the tiny pinhole so that water can’t get in there.

Again, that’s just what I would do, not what I’m suggesting you should do.


Yeah, you wanna press that down as much as possible. I used a roller as suggested and on the roof, I stepped on it.

Source: Wrinkly eternabond

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