I bought an old 2004 fleetwood terry second-hand (the manual for this model seems to be lost to time) and i’m trying to figure out what this switch is for. The only clue i have is that the lights dim a considerable amount when on.


It warms up the toasted vegetable oil.


Self destruct do switch. Lucky the lights just dimm lol


A good way to narrow down what it does, is to see which breaker causes it to not function when the breaker is off.

Turn off 1 breaker at a time, then flip that switch, and see if the lights dim.

When you find what circuit that switch is on, look at the breaker label and see what is on that circuit.

If it’s dimming your lights it’s drawing substantial current


Electric Only water heater switch.


Are the lights dimming when connected to shore power or only when on battery? I am wondering if it is an inverter power switch if so.


Light switch, more than likely. On mine, I have some small indirect lights that are triggered by a similar switch. I have another for my outside lights but it is black and another for lights at my hitch. Turn it on and look around. It may be some specialty lighting you did not know you had.


It’s the neighbor’s garage door opener.

Source: What is this switch?

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