Has anyone experienced similar with professional conversion. There is video in the here also but also explanation. The corner of the cabin and roof seems to ”crack or creak” all time and by the sound of it it’s coming from roof rather than the joint of the these two. As you can see I am not applying that much of force on to it for me it seems more to be tension rather than abrasion. I just cant figure out what can be the underlying cause, so if anyone has seen similar all the tips all welcome


Is it on a pro master chassis?


Who is the manufacturer? There isn’t a straight line in that raw chassis so OEM’s make their own.

The ceiling is almost certainly vinyl wrapped over Luan it’s the most common style.

If you open the cabinet there will probably be some screws going into the ceiling. They are likely going through the ceiling then into some backer that runs between the roof supports. You can torque them down and it should help.

Source: Upper cabinets creaking

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