The new and improved EZ Snap adhesive stud is now available.

The holding power and performance of this new stud has greatly improved over the original.

New EZ Snap 3M Adhesive Snap Studadhesive stud is the ideal solution for attaching all the various EZ Snap™ products, except on wooden, rough or porous surfaces. With those types of surfaces, our stainless steel screw studs are still your best choice. This new stud is now our standard and the original is now discontinued.

These new studs are also  now available in a variety of colors. White, black, grey and beige studs are now available. This allows you to better match the stud to the mounting surface color. That way, if your EZ Snap™ product is removed, the studs do a better job of blending in to the mounting surface.

Source: The New And Improved EZ Snap Adhesive Stud Is Here

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