This week’s Sunday Snapshots is definitely a random array of special stories.

Mike and I have a rhythm in getting things stowed away and packed to prepare for traveling from one location to another.  In fact, we accomplish the task in less time with each move.  There’s something exciting about leaving one spot and traveling the ribbon of highway to the next.  Mike finds driving enjoyable and relaxing.  While he is concentrating on the road and vehicles around us, I sit quietly in the passenger seat with my feet up–usually catching up on blogs, reading, navigating, travel planning, or just enjoying the scenery.  I travel in style.


These little quackers were a staple in one of the campgrounds we stayed recently.  They would waddle from site to site with loud quacks and squawks.  I suspect they were so friendly and noisy because other campers were feeding them.  Our bullmastiff, Lexie, watched out the window with a baleful expression.  She loves to chase ducks, birds, bunnies, squirrels, and other scurrying beasts, but we were in a leash-only area and she had to be content to dream from afar.


We drove through one of our National Cemeteries and I asked Mike to stop the car to capture this rainbow.  It’s an honor to visit the burial sites of our Nation’s veterans.  While it brings on emotions of sadness and deep gratitude, this rainbow also inspired hope.  Hope that our nation will not repeat the mistakes of the past and find a way to work together for a common goal.  I know.  I’m a dreamer, and the very thought is laughable in current conditions.  But, without hope there is only despair.  I choose hope.


I had the opportunity to reconnect in person with a dear friend recently.  We scheduled a lunch date which lasted approximately five hours and spent the time talking, laughing, and sharing experiences since we’d last seen one another.  The gift of her time meant so very much to me.  When she handed me this sign as a present, I was touched.  It has an honored place in our motorhome and reminder that God truly is good and so are dear friends.


Are there photos or videos on your camera which inspire you?  Take a look–I’m sure there’s at least one, or two, or three…

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Source: Sunday Snapshots – Random Photos of the Week – 5/5/19

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