So looking forward to being here at the Hershey RV show for the next three days and meeting many of our followers! We’ll be live here on this FB Page at 3:30PM this afternoon (Friday) and tomorrow (Saturday) at 3PM. And Sunday at 7PM, look for us from somewhere near here on our weekly LIVE Ask Us Anything You Tube Broadcast on our RV Lifestyle Channel. We’ll be doing official meet and greets Saturday and Sunday from 11am-1PM at the Roadtrek Erwin Hymer display and today at 3PM at the Rad Power Bikes display. The rest of the time we’ll be touring the show, making videos, interviewing people and chasing down the latest RV news for you!

How to Winterize Your RV eBook

FREE eBook...
'How to Winterize Your RV'

Your Guide for RV Winter Living & Storage.

Valuable Tips & Info help you prepare for cold weather. Includes winterization instructions for full-time or part-time winter RV living.

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