30lb tank on my RV. Just got it refilled and then when I went to reinstall it has a tiny leak. Is it the tank or the male fitting? I tried disconnecting and reconnecting but same result. Cannot tighten any more, stripped nut a little bit trying to


Never over tighten brass. Remember that’s it’s soft.
If there is no O ring try some Teflon tape.


Yep, you need to disconnect and unscrew that hex fitting, get some plumbing “Thread Tape” and wrap it around the thread of the fitting about 3 to 4 times.
It is very easy and does not need paid help.


Can you take pictures of the inside of the valve, and the nipple of your hose fitting. Its a metal to metal seat so any debris or scratches you can catch with a nail will cause the leak. Most propane equipment repair places should be able to put a new nipple on, if that is the trouble part.


Teflon tape?


If it’s a flare fitting do not use tape. If it’s not a flare use the yellow gas approved tape. But honestly if I felt the but strip, I’d replace it.

Source: Propane leak please help

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