Author of the article:

The Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) — German police are investigating an attack on a pro-democracy vigil outside the Iranian embassy in Berlin in which three people were injured early Sunday morning.

Police said an officer guarding the embassy saw three men with face coverings tear down banners and flags from a recreational vehicle parked near the building. Despite calls by the officer for them to stop, the assailants opened the door to the RV and attacked the four men inside, police said.

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Three of occupants were injured in the ensuing fight, it said. The assailants fled by car.

German news agency dpa reported that the RV sported banners reading “Iranians want democracy” and “Women Life Freedom,” a slogan widely used in recent anti-government protests in Iran.

There have also been large solidarity protests in Germany and other European countries protesting the Iranian government’s treatment of women and dissenters.

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Source: Police: Men attack pro-democracy vigil near Iranian embassy

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