We are delighted to announce that Van and Scott Russell, better known as “The Adventure Detour”, will be joining RVing Today TV starting later in June.

This amazing couple along with their daughter, Kora, have been full-time RVers for the past 9 years and have worked and homeschooled on the road through 42 states so far. They make a living on the road as freelance writers for the RV industry, RV travel magazines and RV websites. You can find RVing tips, travel destinations, and more about the full-time RV lifestyle on their blog https://theadventuredetour.comThey are also RV content creators @theadventuredetour on Instagram, TikTok and Facebook. Be sure to reach out to them and say hi!

We look forward to bringing their interesting, real life stories to our nationwide television audience and streaming media viewers.

On the first episode Van and Scott explain what happens when you decide to add a puppy to your family RV adventures. ‘Hint’ little puppies can grow quickl

Source: New Series Partners – The Adventure Detour

How to Winterize Your RV eBook

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