Looking to see if this is possible..

I have a 30amp rv, I’m going to set up in a 50amp site but I would additionally like to also run a small chest freezer..

Has anyone have had any success using a power adapter with a 110 plug for other accessories?

My RV 100% would not be able to handle what I currently use PLUS a small deep freezer off of it, hence looking at different solutions as above.

One thing to note…
I’ve confirmed that the site I will be staying does NOT have other 110 plug ins at the power mast that you connect your power to, it only had the 50amp plug in.


That will work just fine.


That will work fine but if the pedestal has a 110 plug in it why dont you get an extension cord and plug the freezer into that

Source: NEED ADVICE about power usage.

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