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Joris255atWork: I mean, he has a couch and a chimney.

Pongpianskul: I lived with 2 large dogs in a class C and they loved it.

CashMoneyfoda_99-00: What kind of rig you got? It looks similar to the Keystone Outback 330rl my wife and I are planning on getting.

Mego1989: People with pets, how do you deal with the fake leather shit that’s on all the furniture? I was blown away by the amount of pleather in the new rvs at the show I went to recently. I figured I’d be replacing it all with upolstery before moving in.

CanadianSnowDog: That high fashion coffee table reminds me of home. lol, I have a bin as a coffee table too.

Source: My pup is adjusting well to full timing

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