Mouse Proof Your RV – RV Lifestyle

Many RVers are getting their RVs out of storage for the winter only to discover that while it’s been sitting there unused for the past couple of months, – The RV lifestyle

  • Ruth Crews
  • This is so true ate hole in water line
  • Peppermint oil soaked cotton balls placed strategically around your camper….mice hate the smell of peppermint!
  • We have tried all of them and we still get mice in our camper. We tried charcoal Irishsring soap still did not keep them out. I have been told that the wires and other things in camper are made of recycled vegetable oil and the smell attracts them.
  • We use dryer sheets!
  • Christina Mahar
  • Mothballs
How to Winterize Your RV eBook

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