Miss_mustache: Nice set up. My husband would be very Jealous of your truck! I will have to show him later!
Was the awning expensive? We have a pop up and we lost our awning on the LIE (long island express way) when we were heading out to Montauk last October.
If the weather would just stay consistently nice, my husband and I would be able to open up our pop-up and get it ready for camping season!
decaturbob: nice. First project upon return from 3 months in Florida is a new main awning. I am working with an awning manuf to install some battens in the center of the awning so I can add a better “anti-flap” set up. I like leaving mine out as much as possible but need better restraint.
rwlougher: Sweet. Saw a fellow trying to fix a torn awning with duct tape this past weekend… Not successful.
UnseeingDonn: How was replacing the awning? We are having to have ours replaced and I want to personally do it. Any tips you could pass on?
Source: Installed a new awning yesterday, ready for the lake next weekend!