Ended up just doing a little 2inch riser and accepting it’s going to be a little nose down. First outing went well!


Should have opted in for an RV to help tow itself…



Being level doesn’t matter nearly as much with a single axle trailer. You are fine.


You need more height. Why not just get an adjustable so you can level out your load? I mean you could also just get normal wheels and tires. I mean the ground clearance on the trailer is like 3-4” higher than the vehicle towing it.


I’d suggest the Andersen hitch. Adjustable plus the sway and WD. Moreover, lightweight which is perfect for not increasing your tongue weight like traditional WDH.


Andersen Hitch


What’s your range like while towing?


I concur with the comments about swapping the trailer tires to good highway tires instead of the off road ones. Will lower it to sit about perfect, and don’t imagine your going off-roading with this setup anyway?


My hitch manual says a little nose down is fine so I don’t really see an issue with it . Nose up is the issue

Source: I’m the guy who did the washers and a 10 inch rise

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