We’re thrilled to announce the latest winners of our ‘Win Your Purchase’ contest.

Congratulations to Paul and Lynn Barzler!

Here’s their winning review:

“They made an incredible difference.”

“Impressed with how much sun and heat they block because they are mounted on the exterior of the coach.

(We’ve had bigger RVs with interior sunscreen shades which were not nearly as effective.)”

“Definitely, EZ Shades were one of the best purchases for my RV made this year.”

A huge thank you to everyone who participated!

If you didn’t win this time, don’t worry. Your entry will be automatically included in our next ‘Win Your Purchase’ contest!

Source: Congratulations To Our Latest ‘Win Your Purchase’ Contest Winner

How to Winterize Your RV eBook

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'How to Winterize Your RV'

Your Guide for RV Winter Living & Storage.

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