Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. But once you behold this rugged little state park in Utah’s high desert, you will awestruck by the grandeur.

Is this the most beautiful state park in America? – RV Lifestyle

It’s called Dead Horse Point State Park and it lies in the Utah high desert, about nine mikes north and 22 miles dead west of Arches National Park, right – The RV lifestyle

  • Tony Acito we need to put this on the map!
  • Incredible place! We were there in the fall of 2017.
  • Lived in Moab Utah for 3 1/2 years…southwest is an amazing place.
  • Hell no. No trees
  • Hope you are feeling better.
  • Surely enjoyed hiking it. #grandviewpoint #easttontobasin #phantomranch
How to Winterize Your RV eBook

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