It rained quite a bit recently. We were checking the ac for another issue we're having and found this little guy stuck. We don't know how he got in and/or why he even thought it would be a good idea to do so. We got him out and he jumped to safety so all is well. Anyone else run into this before? I'm just glad we found him before it was too late.
Damn. It looks like your A/C croaked…..
I’ll show myself out……
I think everyone does. Whether we know or not. I found them in all 3 of my a/c units. Two were dried out like jerky.
I had a corn snake roll up in mine. it was not good when the fan made snake tartar out of it.
That frog is the AC tech?
South Florida? Looks like a Cuban Tree Frog.
Your radiator looks a little frogged up tbh.
Camphosted in Louisiana for a few months and nearly every night has frogs chilling in the bottom channel underneath my 5th wheel front master slide out – they like to squeeze in everywhere ????